
1. 纽约中央公园是市民闹中取静的一个好地方(oasis)
2. 英俊的王子把Rapunzel从巫婆的囚禁中解救出来(deliver...from...)
3.你担心的很多事情永远不会发生。即使发生了,或许也没有你想象的那么痛苦或糟糕。所以,担心是没什么用的,倒不如暂时忘却苦恼,做些有用的事情(get sb. nowhere)

1.New York Central Park is a oasis for quiet in noisy.
2.Thw handsome prince delivered Rapunzel from the captivity of the witch.
3.Many things you worried about would never happen. Even if, perhaps there is not as much pain or bad as you think. So, the worry is useless, it would be better to do something useful and get it nowhere.
4. There are a lot of negative reports about North Korean, you would never know the truth unless looking for it firsthand in North Korean.
第1个回答  2013-05-11
1.New York's central park is a oasis for people.
2.The handsome prince delivered Rapunzel from The witch's imprisoned.