

1. The Browns (is, are) moving away on Saturday.
这里为什么选are,Browns 应该是一个人的名字不是单数吗?

2. No one will fail to marvel at the (snow, snows) of the Himalayas.

3. We visited Niagara (Fall, Falls) last summer.
这里visited是谓语 那后面falls是什么语? 为什么选falls不选fall?

4. I hate to see you in such (a low spirit, low spirits)
这里为什么选 low spirits? a low spirts 错在哪?

5. My special tanks go to Professor Brown, who read the first draft of this book and gave me a lot of invaluable (advice, advices).
这里前面有 a lot of 为什么后面是单数?

6. Turn left at the second (crossroad, crossroads).
这个the second 应该表示第二, 为什么后面要用复数?

7. There has been an increasing number of (man, men) teachers in primary schools in the past few years.
这个teachers 是名词 ,前面一个应该选man 修饰老师的性别, 为什么选men?

2. 改错
3. I can’t put up with such all rude remarks any more.
这里为什么是all such而不是such all

4. The new stadium is the three time size of the old one.
这里吧time变成复数times 表三倍, 我记得倍数是 倍数 as much as 的怒? 纳这个 the three times size of也表示倍数? 跟as much as区别在哪?

5. Such an advice will do more harm than good.
这里为什么吧an 去掉。我记得such后面可以用a /an的啊 ?

1. Two and two ( C) four.
a. made
b. make
c. will make
d. is making
2 和2 将会等于4 为什么错?
2. She ( D ) very little food every day because her doctor advises her to keep on a diet. But I’m sure she’ll soon relapse to her old habit of overeating.
a. eats
b. has eaten
c. has been eating
d. is eating
我记得一般现在时表习惯。为什么这里用进行时? 这里又没always 或者forever 表示说话人的感情?
3. What ( D) you over the past two years?
a. did….do
b. do….do
c. are….doing
d. have….been doing
这里over the past two years 不是过去两年的意思吗? 纳应该是过去式啊?为什么选D?
4. Considering it was the first time she ( D ) a speech to the public, she did a wonderful job.
a. was to make
b. would make
c. had made
d. was making
was 说明第一次,那在公众面前演讲应该是同一时间, 而这里应该选D,可是答案上选的是C,那就是过去完成时,这个不是表示过去的过去吗?

1. The Browns ( are) moving away on Saturday.
解析: the + 姓氏复数指的是一家人,故用复数。
2. No one will fail to marvel at the ( snows) of the Himalayas.
解析:snows表示积雪的意思,snows of the Himalayas 意思是喜马拉雅积雪。
3. We visited Niagara ( Falls) last summer.
解析: fall 在这里的意思是“瀑布”,是一个名词。
4. I hate to see you in such ( low spirits)
解析: 表示心情,常用复数in low/high spirits 。
5. My special tanks go to Professor Brown, who read the first draft of this book and gave me a lot of invaluable (advice ).
解析:advice 是不可数名词。
6. Turn left at the second ( crossroads).
解析:crossroads 是单复数同形。
7. There has been an increasing number of (men) teachers in primary schools in the past few years.
解析:指性别的名词修饰名词,比如 man ,woman 来修饰复数名词,它们也要变成相应的复数形式。
3. I can’t put up with all such rude remarks any more.
解析:such修饰单数名词时,放于不定冠词a(an)之前,若名词前有one,no,any,some,all, many等修饰时,放在之后。
4. The new stadium is the three times size of the old one.
解析:表示倍数的方法很多,一种就是倍数 + as ....as ....,还有就是这种倍数+ the....of....
5. Such an advice will do more harm than good.
解析:再说一次,advice 是不可数名词,不带冠词。
1. Two and two ( B) four.
a. made b. make c. will make d. is making
2. She ( D ) very little food every day because her doctor advises her to keep on a diet. But I’m sure she’ll soon relapse to her old habit of overeating.
a. eats b. has eaten c. has been eating d. is eating
3. What ( D) you __over the past two years?
a. did….do b. do….do c. are….doing d. have….been doing
解析:over the past two years 是现在完成时态的标志,在这里表示一直持续到现在。这里用完成进行时表示动作的持续性。
4. Considering it was the first time she ( C ) a speech to the public, she did a wonderful job.
a. was to make b. would make c. had made d. was making
解析:It is/was first /second(序数词) time that sb have/had done......
第1个回答  2013-04-18
如:boy friend→boy friends, paper bag→paper bags。

而当man, woman, gentleman和其它名词构成复合词时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定,也就是说:如果变复数,两个词一起变复数。 如:men workers women teachers gentlemen officials

3,all在这里作such rude remarks的同位语。或者这样理解,这里是such+形容词+名词复数,是一个固定结构,不在中间加词。
4,倍数表达方式如下:一,表示“几倍大小(长短;数量)”,由“倍数+ the size(length,amount……)”结构组成。
The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon. 地球是月亮的49倍大。

二. 表示“……比……大几倍”,由“倍数+形容词(副词)比较级”结构组成。
This box is three times bigger than that one. 这个盒子比那个盒子大三倍。
The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年比去年粮食产量增加8%。

三. 表示“……是……倍”,由“倍数+ as +形容词+ as +”结构组成。
Our factory is twice as big as theirs. 我们的工厂是他们的三倍。
I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那么多。
注 :倍用once,两倍用 twice。


The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. 今年粮食产量增加了4倍。

2,后面那句不是白加上去的,选择题里是不会有废话的,所以这句有用的。But I’m sure she’ll soon relapse to her old habit of overeating. 可以看出她最近一直在节食,用进行时表动作的持续。
3,over the past two years和现在完成时连用。记住了。
4,根据后半句,得出演讲取得了成功,说明已经演讲完了。记住句型:It is/was the first ( second ... ) time+主语+have/has/had 。必须是完成式。

第2个回答  2013-04-18
1. The Browns (is, are) moving away on Saturday.
2. No one will fail to marvel at the (snow, snows) of the Himalayas.
这里snows,加"S"表示a large amount of snow that has fallen at different times during the winter。也就是指“冬天所下的雪”。
3. We visited Niagara (Fall, Falls) last summer.
这里Falls 是noun 解释为“瀑布”,加上地点Niagara一起做visit 的宾语
4. I hate to see you in such (a low spirit, low spirits)
这里为什么选 low spirits? a low spirts 错在哪?

这里in spirits 加“s”的spirit表示的是开心或不开心的“感觉”,用Low来修饰显然表示不开心。spirit不加s解释为“精神”。
5. My special tanks go to Professor Brown, who read the first draft of this book and gave me a lot of invaluable (advice, advices).

因为这里advice不可数,切不可说成“advices”或“an advice”,但是a lot of 可以同时修饰可数与不可数。
6. Turn left at the second (crossroad, crossroads).

7. There has been an increasing number of (man, men) teachers in primary schools in the past few years.


2. 改错
3. I can’t put up with such all rude remarks any more.
all 本来就应当放在such之前,要记住。

4. The new stadium is the three time size of the old one.
“A”as much as "B" A与B一样,但是这里A is the three times size of B, 首先time解释“倍数”,作名词时可数,其次这句话意思为,A是B的3倍。

5. Such an advice will do more harm than good.因为advice不可数

2. She ( D ) very little food every day because her doctor advises her to keep on a diet. But I’m sure she’ll soon relapse to her old habit of overeating.

3. What ( D) you over the past two years?

4. Considering it was the first time she ( D ) a speech to the public, she did a wonderful job.
a. was to make
b. would make
c. had made
d. was making
既然在公众面前演讲应该是同一时间,那么后面一句“she did a wonderful job.”你又是怎么知道结果的呢,显然这这两个都做都已发生在过去,看到the fist time ……就提示要使用完成时了,只是这里发生在过去,故用过去完成时间
第3个回答  2013-04-18