
Similarly upheld were a transfer tax measured in part by the value of property held jointly by a husband and wife, including that which comes to the joint tenancy as a gift from the decedent spouse and the inclusion in the gross income of the settlor of income accruing to a revocable trust during any period when the settlor had power to revoke or modify it.
The Court has applied Turner Elkhorn in upholding retroactive application of pension plan termination provisions to cover the period of congressional consideration, declaring that the test for retroactive application of legislation adjusting economic burdens is merely whether ''the retroactive application . . . is itself justified by a rational legislative purpose.'
谢谢 美本杰明先生 和 andychewbj ..

Similarly upheld were a transfer tax measured in part by the value of property held jointly by a husband and wife, including that which comes to the joint tenancy as a gift from the decedent spouse and the inclusion in the gross income of the settlor of income accruing to a revocable trust during any period when the settlor had power to revoke or modify it.
The Court has applied Turner Elkhorn in upholding retroactive application of pension plan termination provisions to cover the period of congressional consideration, declaring that the test for retroactive application of legislation adjusting economic burdens is merely whether ''the retroactive application . . . is itself justified by a rational legislative purpose.'
法院参照Turner Elkhorn案例,判决批准退休金计划终止条款的期限应该包括国会研究考虑的时间;并且宣称,对追溯申请立法调整经济负担的检验,就只是以理性立法宗旨的角度考虑其是否合理。
第1个回答  2008-03-25
第2个回答  2008-03-25
这两段出自 U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment: Annotations pg. 13 of 16,(美国宪法第5次修正案的第124和130条注释);由于宪法是法律文本最精练的文字,很难翻译的。其中特诺.埃克霍恩Turner Elkhorn好象是个案例,否则不会写入注释中,故对此存疑。