

Should a middle school student compete in the election of class community? Being a member of class community is like a double edged sword. Some parents think that their children may spend too much time organizing class activities. Yes, I agree with them that it may occupy some time for the community members to contribute to the class. However, if students can manage their time wisely, it is ok to spend a little time on activities. Furthermore, being a class community member can improve one's communication skills. It is undeniable that a community member has to talk with and cooperate with his classmates frequently. Hence it is helpful for them to learn how to get along well with his peers. Hence I believe that as a middle school student, one should actively take part in the election of class community.

第1个回答  2012-06-25
各位老师,同学: 大家好! 在这个神圣的日子里,我想要竞选学习委员。 也许我还会做一个好的班干部,不摆架子,不仗势欺人,一定会团结同学,互相帮助
第2个回答  2012-06-25
第3个回答  2012-06-25
第4个回答  2012-06-26
孩子 有特殊用途吧