
1.为什么不做某事 2.玩的开心 3.某人花一段时间做某事 4.远离 5.某人,总有一天 6.写信给我 7.直到...才... 8.以便 9....的数量 10.来自 11.这些问题的答案 12.被沙尘暴所困 13.为某人提供某物 14.带领...去 15.动脑筋 16.得到机会去做某事 17.上海某人自己 18.靠近... 19.熄灭 20.愚弄某人 21.把...分为 22.保持安静

1.why don't you do sth.? 2.enjoy yourself 3.sb.spends some time in doing sth. 4.get away from
5.one day,someone 6.write an letter to me 7.not```until```8.in order to 9.the number of
10.come/be from 11.the answers to these questions 12.be stuck by sand storm 13.offer sth. to sb. 14.bring```to``` 15.use oen's mind 16.get the chance to do sth. 18.be close to 19.put out 20.fool sb. 21.devite sth. into sth. 22.keep quiet
楼主,这些全是我自己打的,一个个啊,不过17题不太懂,“上海某人自己”是说某人在上海吗?sb. in Shanghai我是英语专业的哦,望采纳!!!
第1个回答  2011-10-26
why don’t to do sth
have a good time
第2个回答  2011-10-30
why dont do this thing