

A tale of narnia. If we were to read it, maybe more easily into the magic kingdom. However, people grow up, whether can forget this fairy tale? It depends on everybody's understanding. Actually, the fairy tales are not too naive, children's eyes, and saw the pure truth is often the most close to the truth. Aslan and it's magical kingdom, maybe it will only exists in memory, but, if one day, can also go to narnia, whether can you believe, there are talking beasts, could move trees?
第1个回答  2012-02-08
A tale of narnia. If we were to read it, maybe more easily into the magic kingdom. However, people grow up, whether can forget this fairy tale? It depends on everybody's understanding. Actually, the fairy tales are not too naive, children's eyes, and saw the pure truth is often the most close to the truth. Aslan and it's magical kingdom, maybe it will only exists in memory, but, if one day, can also go to narnia, whether can you believe, there are talking beasts, could move trees?
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第2个回答  2012-02-09
It's a story about four brothers and sisters,they live in London.The story's background is under the second world war.When they leave far away from the war,they settle down at a kind old man's house.They go through the cabinet and then get to another world,Naria.It is a fantastic place,animals can speak human language.They and the animals fight with the bad guy,the queen of Narnia and they win.