[汉译英]各位高手 来帮下忙 翻译几个词个句子

1 金色的阳光撒满了(覆盖了)我们的身体
2 太阳直直的照下来 汗水 烦躁 压力
3 艰辛 炙热的阳光
4 夕阳西下 拉长的影子 映红的脸颊 坚持不懈
5 对未来的憧憬
6 飞向目的地 烦恼的尽头

还有 vanished 的汉语意思
不好意思 我门说清楚 汗水 烦躁 压力
艰辛 炙热的阳光 夕阳西下 拉长的影子 映红的脸颊 坚持不懈
还有 不要用谷歌或者百度的汉译英 我想要那种人性话的

1 金色的阳光撒满了(覆盖了)我们的身体
Our bodies were covered in golden sun light.

2 太阳直直的照下来 汗水 烦躁 压力
The sun shines straightly downward, sweat,irritation,pressure.

3 艰辛 炙热的阳光
The oppressive and scorching sun

4 夕阳西下 拉长的影子 映红的脸颊 坚持不懈
The setting sun descends in the west,shadow being dragged out, reflected red cheeks,persistent.

5 对未来的憧憬
Towards the visualization of the future

6 飞向目的地 烦恼的尽头
Fly to the destination, the end of worries.

还有 vanished 的汉语意思
Vanish =突然消失/ 不复存在
第1个回答  2009-03-16
1 We are covered with golden sunshine.
2 The sunlight shined down straightly.
3 hardship baking-hot sunlight
4 the setting sun ,elongated shade,flushed cheek,persistence
5. longing for the furture
6.fly towards the destination,the end of vexation
第2个回答  2009-03-15
1 Shaman one golden sun of our body
2 photographs of the sun straight down sweat irritability stress
3 hard hot sun
4 sunset elongated cheek persistent shadow Yinghong
5 Vision for the future is
6 toward the destination at the end of troubles
vanished 消失
第3个回答  2009-03-15
1 golden sun of the shaman (cover) our body 2 according to the sun straight down the stress sweat irritability 3 hard hot sunshine 4 shadows lengthen sunset cheek Yinghong 5 persistent vision of the future fly 6 to the destination at the end of troubles

