



All in all, I am a person who is fond of quietness. I hold a belief that quietness can lead to stability, and stability to wisdom. But, I also often communicate with different people in order to widen my horizon.

I hope to make invaluable friends with you all in this summer trip.

Thank you!

fond of 喜欢,爱好。lead to 是通向,导致,虽然中文是“生”但在英文里不能这么直译,而是要用由什么到什么。

第1个回答  2009-08-08
Generally speaking, I am a reticent person (reticent:话少)/ I enjoy quietness (喜静). I believe that such tranquility (平静)can lead to steadiness in character (steady character 即为稳重淡定,不知是否合“定”字的意思;stability指物理意义上的稳定), and wisdom can arise from such steadiness (慧能从定而生). Yet, I also enjoy meeting different people, so as to broaden my horizon.

I hope we will find and form an invaluable (非常珍贵的,注:不是valuable的反义)friendship (worthy of many years' cherishing 这句可加可不加) in this summer trip, thank you!
第2个回答  2009-08-08
Generally speaking, I am a person who love silence. I believe silence makes patience, silence makes wisdom. But I also communicate with different people in order to broaden my horizons.

I hope I could develop some friendships with everybody during this summer trip. Thank you so much!
第3个回答  2009-08-08
In general, I am a quiet person. I believe quietness creates stability, and stability leads to wisdom.

Though I also communicate and interact with various people to broaden my vision and view.

I sincerely hope this summer trip will be fulfilled with friendship among us, thank you!
第4个回答  2009-08-08
Generally speaking, I am a quiet person who hi. I think that the rest energy of Health will be, will be able to Hui-sheng. But I also often associated with the exchange of different people in order to broaden their horizons.
Hope that this summer tour with us for some valuable friendship forged, thank you!
