



3.美国是上暴力犯罪最严重的国家,而近年来美国青少年暴力犯罪问题尤为突出。从1997年起美国又不断发生骇人听闻的中学校园枪击事件,在全国引起了极大的震动,这种校园暴力的恶性案件方兴未艾,已成为美国青少年犯罪一种极可怕的新动向。据美国官方统计,美国17岁以下的青少年的杀人案件在1984年至 1994年的十年间,增加了两倍。据美国疾病控制与预防中心1997年2月公布的对世界上26 个最发达国家青少年暴力所进行的调查,美国青少年暴力犯罪大大高于其它发达国家,美国青少年杀人案件几乎占26个最发达国家青少年杀人案件总数的3/4。


第1个回答  2007-12-01
youth and junenile delinquency, which is a very serious social problem we all face up to in the world. China Daily did a specific report about the survey and conclusion of the problem. as for china, hobbledehoy criminals increased sharply. according to the statistics, between 50s and 60s, the hobbledehoy criminals were about 20%-30% of the total criminals in the country, and up to 70% or higher in 80s, and went up highly so far. looking at the Jinan city, during the three years between 1997 and 1999, 6632 youth who committed crimes were under 25,which is about 47.4% of the whole, moreover, the whole city youth criminals obviouly tended to rise year by year

the main body of youth and juvenile delinquency lead to be younger. from references related, since 90s, the original age of the young criminals is 2 to 3 younger than that in 70s. the criminals who were under 14 were apparently much more, the youngest was even less than 10. the numbers of under-14 criminals in Jinan were 27 in 1997, 35 in 1998, and reached to 47 in 1999

the US is the most serious country who has the violent crimes, but recenly, what caught the attention most was american hobbledehoy violent crimes. the appalling campus shooting events constantly happened in america from 1997, which caused the great shock in the whole country. these evil campus shooting events were still in process, which had been a new horrible pulse of american youth crimes. depending on the offcial american statistics, the homicide committed by under 17 doubled during the ten years between 1984 and 1994. according to the survey on youth violence of the most 26 developed countries in the world, which was publiced by CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in Feb. 1997, the youth violent crimes in america were highly more than that in other developed countries, american youth homicides were almost three-fourth of the total youth homicides in 26 the most developed countries

PS 美国和中国对于年龄阶段的划分不太一样,所以我就把young 和juvenile放在一起了,但是在文章中为了方便,我基本采用young这个词,你可以自己稍做修改本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-12-01
1. Problem of juvenile delinquency, is the world's countries are facing the serious social problems. China Daily on the issue with the conclusions of investigations carried out a detailed report. For China, the number of juvenile crime increased dramatically. According to statistics, in the 50-60 age, juvenile delinquency about the criminal 20% of the total to 30 percent, to the 80's by 70 percent, still remains high. Moreover, the city's juvenile crime has clearly been rising year after year.

2. Juvenile delinquency main tendency of a younger age. According to data analysis, since the 1990s, the initial age of juvenile delinquency than 70 years ahead of 2-3 years old, 14 years following the criminal case have noticeably increased, and the youngest is also dissatisfied with the 10-year-old! Jinan City under 14 years of age criminals 1997 27, 1998 35, 1999 has reached 47.

3. On the United States is the most serious violent crimes, and juvenile violent crime in recent years the United States is especially outstanding issues. Starting from 1997, the United States is continuing appalling secondary school shooting incident in the country has aroused great shock that such a vicious school violence cases is rising, the United States of juvenile delinquency has become a very frightening new trend. According to the United States to official statistics, the United States 17 young people under the age of murder cases in the 1984-1994 decade, an increase of twice.
第3个回答  2007-12-01
1. Problem of juvenile delinquency, is the world's countries are facing the serious social problems. China Daily on the issue with the conclusions of investigations carried out a detailed report. For China, the number of juvenile crime increased dramatically. According to statistics, in the 50-60 age, juvenile delinquency about the criminal 20% of the total to 30 percent, to the 80's by 70 percent, still remains high. Moreover, the city's juvenile crime has clearly been rising year after year.

2. Juvenile delinquency main tendency of a younger age. According to data analysis, since the 1990s, the initial age of juvenile delinquency than 70 years ahead of 2-3 years old, 14 years following the criminal case have noticeably increased, and the youngest is also dissatisfied with the 10-year-old! Jinan City under 14 years of age criminals 1997 27, 1998 35, 1999 has reached 47.

3. On the United States is the most serious violent crimes, and juvenile violent crime in recent years the United States is especially outstanding issues. Starting from 1997, the United States is continuing appalling secondary school shooting incident in the country has aroused great shock that such a vicious school violence cases is rising, the United States of juvenile delinquency has become a very frightening new trend. According to the United States to official statistics, the United States 17 young people under the age of murder cases in the 1984-1994 decade, an increase of twice.行了吗?
第4个回答  2007-12-01
1```The problem of juvenile crime is shared by the countries of the world today faces a serious social problem. China Daily on the issue with the conclusions of investigations carried out a detailed report. For China, the number of juvenile crime increased dramatically. According to statistics, in the 50-60 age, juvenile delinquency about the criminal 20% of the total to 30 percent, to the 80's by 70 percent, still remains high. Moreover, the city's juvenile crime has clearly been rising year after year.