


1. 法院的组织形式不同。英国采用单一制的结构形式,而美国采用立法和司法双轨制结构形式。美国的立法权由联邦和各个州依据宪法分别行驶。联邦法和50个州法各成体系,法院分为联邦法院和各个州法院,两套法院系统互不隶属,独立行使权利。

2. 各自的法律主导精神不同。英国法其封建因素较多,由于资产阶级革命的不彻底,许多封建法律制度和原则被保留下来,在法院使用时常常过分强调传统,其法律精神较为保守;而美国法虽继承英国普通法的传统,但在援用时,以符合本国国情为前提,对不适合的普通法规则不予适用。加之,北美大陆原本就不存在封建制度,在援用英国法时,对其封建色彩浓厚的制度和原则没有采用.所以,美国法较之英国法更富有批判精神和创新精神。

3. 各自所注重的法律形式不同。虽然都是以判例法为主要法律形式,但在各自国家适用时却有所不同对待。英国法重视法官对法律的发展的作用,法官在长期的审判实践中创造出判例法。法官的判决本身就具有立法意义,有“法官造法”之意。而美国法并重判例法和制定法,学理和实践互补。许多学者认为,美国法是国会立法和司法造法相互作用的产物,是一种判例法和制定法并重的“混合体制”。

4. 法律的解释的灵活性。体现在两方面:一方面在英国由于长期历史传统,大多数法官对法律仍态度保守,适用遵循先例原则较为严格,法律灵活性较少;在美国法官在适用先例和法律解释等方面较为开明,只要社会需要,就会毫不犹豫的推翻先例,创造新的法律规则.并且美国法院对先例、对制定法条文上,都有司法解释的权力,这种解释往往造成判例规则和法定条文含义具有极大的伸缩性;而相较之英国法有更大的弹性空间。另一方面,某些发源于英国的法律制度在本国已日渐成形,但在美国经某种改造后显示出一定的活力,如陪审制.

5. 在法律体系方面。美国的法律体系庞大且复杂,联邦和各州自成法律体系。联邦和各州都有独立的立法机关和司法系统;除联邦法律外,各州都有各自的宪法和一般法律,许多领域由州法调整,各州在政治,经济和文化上的发展不平衡及民族种族构成不一致,导致美国法律制度的极部统一;而英国法形成了自上而下统一的法律体系。

6. 在法学教育方面。在美国,将法学教育定位于职业教育,教学方法是判例法教学,注重教授法律实物方面的知识,重视培养学生的实际操作能力,而不重视抽象概念和理论。且学校有较大的自主权,不受教育行政机关的制约;而在英国,重视突出法学理论,也重视系统讲授,不象美国那样重视法律实物.虽英国也属于职业教育,但是仍受到“以实乌型”的“学徒制”教育的传统影响。

7. 浓厚的种族歧视色彩。美国由不同民族和种族组成,历史上来自欧洲的白种人,一直占据着统治者的地位,他们制定许多种族歧视的法律,主要为歧视黑人的法律.直至今天这种法律还存在某种影响.

8. 某些法律制度的不同,造成这些差异主要是不同的宗教背景和自然地理条件,如英国在历史发展中,曾出现教会法院,但是在美国却从来不存在这类型的法院,因这种法院在中世纪与天主教司法管辖相关联.而在移居北美新大陆的英国人大多是受到天主教迫害的新教徒.

9. 在宪法制度上,体现在以下几个方面:





第1个回答  2009-05-19
This is one of a series of articles about the differences between American English and British English, which, for the purposes of these articles, are defined as follows:

American English (AmE) is the form of English used in the United States.
British English (BrE) is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom.
American English written forms are fairly well standardized across the U.S. An unofficial standard for spoken American English has developed as a result of mass media and of geographic and social mobility. This standard is generally called a General American or Standard Midwestern accent and dialect, and it can typically be heard from network newscasters, although local newscasters tend toward more colourful forms of speech. Despite this unofficial standard, regional variations of American English have not only persisted, but have actually intensified, according to William Labov. Regional dialects in the U.S. typically reflect the elements of the language of the main immigrant groups in any particular region of the country, especially in terms of pronunciation and vernacular vocabulary. Scholars have mapped at least four major regional variations of spoken American English: Northern (really north-eastern), Southern, Midland, and Western (Labov, Ash, & Boberg, 2006).[1] After the American Civil War, the settlement of the western territories by migrants from the east led to dialect mixing and levelling, so that regional dialects are most strongly differentiated in the eastern part of the country that were settled earlier. Localized dialects also exist with quite distinct variations, such as in the Southern Mountains and New York City.

British English also has a reasonable degree of uniformity in its formal written form. The spoken forms though vary considerably, reflecting a long history of dialect development amid isolated populations. Dialects and accents vary not only between the countries in the United Kingdom, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, but also within these individual countries. There are also differences in the English spoken by different socio-economic groups in any particular region. Received Pronunciation (RP), which is 'the educated spoken English of south-east England' has traditionally been regarded as 'proper English'; this is also referred to as BBC English or the Queen's English. The BBC and other broadcasters now intentionally use a mix of presenters with a variety of British accents and dialects, and the concept of 'proper English' is now far less prevalent.[2]

British and American English are the reference norms for English as spoken, written, and taught in the rest of the world. For instance, the English-speaking members of the Commonwealth often closely follow British English forms while many new American English forms quickly become familiar outside of the United States. Although the dialects of English used in the former British Empire are often, to various extents, based on standard British English, most of the countries concerned have developed their own unique dialects, particularly with respect to pronunciation, idioms, and vocabulary; chief among them are Canadian English and Australian English, which rank third and fourth in number of native speakers.[3][4]
第2个回答  2012-06-28