法律英语在线翻译 拜托哪位高手能帮我翻译一下这段话 要精准的翻译

This mix of powers has raised the issue many times in history of the ability of the President to engage in military action abroad without a formal declaration of war from Congress. It is clear that a concurrent resolution (a resolution passed by a majority of both houses) granting authority to the President to take military action is sufficient, as happened prior to the commencement of the Gulf War in 1991. But the President has used American troops several times in history without going to Congress for a declaration of war, and it was largely the result of the President leading and Congress following that the United States became involved in the Vietnam War.

历史上多次出现,美国总统未经国会正式宣战而对外采取军事行动, 这样的问题都是多方权力介入所导致的.
显而易见,总统获准采取军事行动的共同决议案(由参众两院半数以上表决通过的决议) 这在1991年发生的海湾战争之前算是充分合理的.
第1个回答  2011-03-29
第2个回答  2011-03-29