
1、在2013-05-29,我和所有的XPM讨论如何分析Tracfone的需求;由于之前我们一直没有清楚用Verizon的那个流程?所以在本次会议中,我们决定使用<HOST DEVICE CERTIFICATION PROCESS – USING APPROVED VZW LTE MULTIMODE MODULE>作为需求分析的依据。
a、由于Verizon和Verizon ODI都没有CM,所以需要手工制作CM,根据统计得出Verizon的共有73个需求需要制作CM,Verizon ODI共有23个需要制作CM,计划制作CM完成的时间是2013-06-09;


第1个回答  2013-06-06
I sincerely apologize for not informing you of our last discussion meeting. I would like to clarify as follows:
1. On 2013-5-29, all the XPM and I had a discussion on how to analyze the requirements of Tracfone; as we were all along not certain which process should we apply for Verizon, so we had decided in this meeting to use <HOST DEVICE CERTIFICATIONPROCESS – USING APPROVED VZW LTE MULTIMODE MODULE> as basis for the requirement analysis.
2. Later, we had also decided on the planning for the requirement analysis; the plans are as follows:
a. As Verizon and Verizon OD both have no CM, so they need to be created manually. According to our calculation, Verizon has 73 requirements and Verizon OD has 23 requirements that need CM to be created. The time to complete the creation of CM was 2013-6-9;
b.After the completion of CM,the project team shall analyze all the relevant requirements and the first round of the analysis was required to be completed on 2013-7-09.
By the way, I had asked you before through e-mail to confirm whether or not we should conduct analysis on the requirements of TBC, so please confirm whether we should conduct analysis on the TBC in <VZWDeviceRequirementsDocumentMapPerDeviceType> or not.
Another thing is, I also need your clarification on certain queries in a PPT which had been sent to
you previously.
第2个回答  2013-06-06
I am really sorry that I did not put you in the loop of our last time discuss over e-mails.I would like to clarify as below:
Firstly, on May 29th,2013, I talked with all XPMs to discuss how to analysis the demand of Tracfone. And we decided to use<HOST DEVICE CERTIFICATION PROCESS – USING APPROVED VZW LTE MULTIMODE MODULE> as a basis for analysis the need,due to the lack of selection on Verizon about which process to apply.
Secondly, we made the demand analysis plan as follows:
A, Since neither Verizon and Verizon ODI has CM, we need to make CM by hand.And according to calculation, the demand of CM for Verizon is 73, and 23 CM for Verizon ODI.We plan to finish all the CMs before June 9th,2013;
B, We would make the first analysis of demand on July 9th,2013 after all the CMs be made,which would be conducted by the project team.

By the way,I sent e-mails to you for the confirmation of TBC demand,which need your analysis and feedback,please response it in the table <VZWDeviceRequirementsDocumentMapPerDeviceType>And something in the PPT that you sent before also need your clarification.
第3个回答  2013-06-06

  I am very sorry that I failed to include you in our last seminar email. I would like to explain.

    On May 29, 2013, I discussed how to analyze Tracfone's need with all XPM. Because we didn't figure out which process is used in Verizon, we decided to use <HOST DEVICE CERTIFICATION PROCESS – USING APPROVED VZW LTE MULTIMODE MODULE> as the basis of need analyzation.

    After that, we confirmed the need analyzation plan as follows:

    a. Because neither Verizon nor Verizon ODI has CM,  so CM needs to be hand made. According to statistics, Verizon has 73 needs that require CM in total, Verizon ODI
     has 23 needs that require CM in total. Deadline of CM completion is Jun. 9, 2013;

    b. After CM is completed, correspoding need of project group analyzation is required. The first round of analyzation is demanded to finish on Jul. 9, 2013.

  By thte way, I had sent you email on whether to analyze the TBC need that requires confirmation earlier. Please help us confirm whether to analyze the TBC in the table of <VZWDeviceRequirementsDocumentMapPerDeviceType>.

  Besides, the PPT I sent you earlier has some problems. I will also explain that too.

第4个回答  2013-06-06
"I'm sorry I didn't put you in our in our last message of the seminar, I clarify here:
1, 2013-05-29, XPM discusses how analysis of all Tracfone and I demand because we are not sure if Verizon until that process? In this meeting, we decided to use the <HOST DEVICE CERTIFICATION PROCESS – USING APPROVED VZW LTE MULTIMODE MODULE> as a basis for analysis.
After 2, also worked in a needs analysis plan, plan is as follows:
A, since neither the Verizon and Verizon ODI CM, they need to be hand-crafted CM, according to statistics concluded that Verizon's demand for a total of 73 requirements CM,Verizon ODI total of 23 requirements CM, plans to produce CM of time is 2013-06-09;
B after you, in making the CM, analysis corresponds to the needs of the project, expected to be completed in 2013-07-09 the first round of analysis.本回答被提问者和网友采纳